This is probably one of the oldest and most talked about myths about your penis. Many men wrongly believe that they have a small penis due to their height or possibly another miniature body part. Although it's easy to tell the shape and size of a woman's breast, butt, hips or legs just by looking at her, it's pretty much impossible to tell the size of a man's penis unless he is naked. Admittedly, there is the odd exception this rule!
Not only has height been used to guess the penis size, but also perhaps the size of your nose, feet and measuring the distance from the base of your hand to your finger tip! The British Journal of Urology actually conducted an experiment in 2002. They took approximately 100 men whose foot size ranged from a size 8 up to size 13. Although height was not measured during this experiment, it was found that there was absolutely no link between your foot size and the size of your penis.
When inside the womb, penis growth is controlled by exactly the same genes as your limbs, however after birth there is no direct correlation between limb size, bones, muscles and penis size. Your penis is an appendage such as your nose and ears that is not influenced in anyway by your height!
So whether you are 6 foot 6 inches or 5 foot tall, this will have no effect on your penis! If you do have a small penis then the only way to increase penis size is through natural penis enhancement techniques. Whereas when you get to a certain age you can no longer advance in height, the same is NOT true about your penis.
Natural penis enhancement techniques have been around for a few hundred years now and are scientifically proven to increase penis size. So if you are fed up with your small penis, just remember - it has nothing to do with your height!
Can i make my penis larger
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