Making your penis bigger can be done simply using effective penis enlargement methods that are both safe and permanent. I increased my penis size from an embarrassing 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around, and now I have the confidence to approach any woman knowing I will be able to satisfy her in bed!
To help other men achieve a big, thick, satisfying penis and the accompanying hot sex life and self-confidence, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about effective penis enlargement:
Is penis enlargement surgery an effective way for me to make my penis bigger, and is it safe?
It is effective if you are only wanting to add length (it will not give you any girth), and in my humble opinion, the risks are too severe for me to call it safe. There is a chance you could incur long-term damage to your penis which could render it useless. Also, as with any surgical procedure, the price tag is hefty!
Do pills and creams really do anything as far as making my penis bigger?
I've never seen one that did, or talked to any man who used that stuff successfully. Most of it is just "snake oil" that will leave you frustrated and disappointed. A lot of companies who manufacture it are being sued for false advertising and defrauding consumers. My advice is to save your time and your money.
Is it really possible for me to enlarge my penis naturally using just my hands?
It is absolutely possible, and easy at that. I used NO pills or surgery to grow from 5.5 inches to over 8 inches; just my hands and healthy dose of knowledge. You can gain that knowledge by studying up only on NATURAL penis enlargement using unbiased sources and formulating an action plan that works for YOU. The sooner you take action, the sooner you will see significant results. In as soon as two weeks from today, you can be sporting a penis that is noticeably bigger and more satisfying to women!
Penis x pills
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