You can cure your penile yeast infection fast and permanently. Penile yeast infection is more common than you might imagine, you are not alone. It can be treated in a number of ways, and, there is no reason why you cannot achieve a fast, complete cure if you follow certain lifestyle guidelines along with your treatment regime.
Penile yeast infection shows up in a number of ways; inflamed / red head, ulcer-like spots on the head, dry / flaked foreskin, unusual discharge, very bad itching, pain when urinating. There may be other signs such as; regular headaches, migraine, depression, sore/swollen joints, irritability, and even memory loss. And these are not all, there is a whole list of signs that could be associated with yeast infection.
The real cause of penile yeast infection is a yeast / fungus called Candida Albicans which resides in most of us quite naturally. Normally it doesn't cause you any bother until it grows out of control and appears as a yeast infection.
The kind of events, or, situations that trigger this overgrow are; a lowered immune system (can't fight infection), diabetes (high sugar levels in urine aid yeast growth), antibiotics (kills good bacteria as well as bad), bad diet (yeast, sugar, carbohydrates, dairy produce, etc., aid yeast growth), sexual intercourse (transmission from one partner to the other), etc.
To affect a proper cure therefore, you need to deal with all of the above, not just your medication. In particular, having regular sex while one of you has an infection will mean that it will be almost impossible to cure it. You must abstain from sexual intercourse until your (or your partner's) yeast infection is totally cured, meaning the root cause not just the symptoms. Of course it would be better if your cure is very fast as well as permanent.
Over-the-counter and prescription medication work well enough for most men, but, many men find that their treatment takes a long time, or, the symptoms go away only to return again. Also, these treatments are largely drug-based, which many men don't like because they can have side-effects, and, the Candida can build-up a resistance to them.
You can use home remedies, which while they can provide some relief from penile yeast infection are only part of the solution. So many men have turned to a 100% natural regime that has provided them with a fast, safe, permanent cure, allowing them to get on with their lives and relationships, free from worry and stress.
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