There are a number of ways to enhance the size of your penis, however, it's often difficult to ascertain the safest and most effective means with all the poor information scattered around the Internet today. In a means to solve this dilemma, I have composed the following information to help you on your quest to find relevant penile enhancement information.
Pills are a quite popular method of penile enhancement, and with due cause. There is a lot of discrepancy as to 'how' effective these pills actually are, but the testimonials and guarantees are endless. Some argue that with the various contaminants that have been found in scientific studies, such as hallucinogens, E. Coli, and yeast, that the placebo effect of the penis enhancement process is the only true result. While others claim to have gained several, measured inches in short periods of time with no side effects.
Pumps are a bit more widely documented than pills in terms of their efficacy. Pumps can work as an effective technique for penile enhancement, but the effects are considered to be temporary from most published scientific sources. And, if not extremely careful, these pumps are often attributed to broken blood vessels and consequently, infections of the penis.
Surgery is well known to be the most effective means of penile enhancement, but also the most dangerous and expensive. Penile enhancement surgery can run upwards of $10,000 and can cause long term damage in the form of impotency, scarring, and total loss of sensation. And, according to St. Peter's Andrology Center almost 70% of penile enhancement participants reported being 'dissatisfied'.
The best way to enlarge penis
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