How to get a larger penis naturally
The amount of men that consult mental health professionals about the size of their penis is in the tens of thousands every year. These men are convinced that the size of their penis is too small to satisfy a woman, and that they need to urgently find some way to increase the size of their penis. Most psychologists will cite the hard fact that the average erect penis size is only between 5 1/2 and 6 inches long. They'll tell the guy to go home and measure his erection, and if it falls within this range, they'll say, see you have no problem. However, for some men this isn't good enough.
For these men there are several options that should be avoided
If you see a mental health professional, they are trained to use medication to treat a problem immediately until it can be worked out through talking. So, if someone goes into an office and insists that they are permanently mentally damaged because of a small penis, out comes the prescription pad, and off to pick up the depression or anxiety pills that person will go. These pills are notorious for two things: making people gains tons of weight, and making guys have a decreased sexual desire, and often times the inability to get an erection.
So mental health drugs aren't going to help your penis dilemma, and neither are erection pills. Penis pills don't work. If they did there would be a multi-billion dollar public business in the market. It would be more profitable than tobacco and alcohol combined. But, there is no such public market, because there is no known pill on earth that can make your penis inches larger. The pill companies will make you think their is with their very convincing advertising, but there isn't one.
At the bottom of the barrel, is the cream and pump market. These are short term solutions, as in a couple of minutes short term. They don't work. You are throwing money out the window if you buy them. Then of course there is surgery that costs $6,000-$10,000 and often ends up in infection and doctors showing you waivers that you signed when you come to them with problems. Additionally, these surgeries often barely add an inch to the size of your penis.
There is one natural solution that is not pills which works
By using just your hands and applying gentle pressure to the shaft and base of your penis, you can increase its size up to 3 inches if you dedicate yourself to doing exercises multiple times a week. These gains are permanent, unlike pills or pumps.
How to get a larger penis naturally
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