Saturday, July 6, 2013

Penis extension review. How Deep is a Woman's Vagina

Penis extension review

Penis extension review

So, how deep is a woman's vagina? This is a question that has several answers. All women are different in that area. It is usually deep enough to accommodate the length of a full-erect penis, on average around 4-6 inches. Some are more shallow and some much deeper. A taller woman may have a longer vagina canal as where a shorter female may be shorter. The vagina can stretch much longer and wider during sexual activity and childbirth.

Some women feel more sensitive around 3 inches in and some report extra sensitivity further in. A woman's vagina depth can vary dramatically. The largest recorded depth of a vagina was recorded in London in 1916 and the depth recorded was 17.5 inches!

The vagina is the passage that connects a woman's outer sex organs "the vulva" with the cervix and the uterus. It's usually called the birth canal because it's the way the fetus is pushed out of the body during child birth. This is also where menstrual fluid leaves the body and where the erect penis goes during sexual intercourse.

A lot of men believe that added pleasure is guaranteed with deeper penetration. If you were to poll 1000 women, you would get a variety of answers. Most men turn to penis enlargement exercises and pills to make this happen. The best way to know is sit down and have a serious conversation with your mate and just ask. You will be surprised how open your partner can be. Let your mate know you will do what is required to satisfy her needs.

Penis extension review

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