Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Best way to make your penis larger. Penis Enlargement Patches

Best way to make your penis larger

Best way to make your penis larger

In this article we are going to discuss penis enlargement patches. In the pantheon of popular penis enlargement products and advertisements, enlargement patches are a relatively new phenomenon. I would say that in the last 6 months we get more questions about patches than just about any other technique...and for good reason I'm sure! It seems like a pretty simple, magical solution, right? Well....before you go out and buy anything, read on as I address some of the common questions we get, and some HONEST answers which I hope will keep you on the right path. Read on..:-)

Filed Under: What Exactly ARE Penis Enlargement Patches?

They are typically trans dermal swaths that you apply to the abdominal skin, or depending on the manufacturer, even directly on your anatomy itself. The theory is that the ingredients contained in the patch which is released topically and then absorbed by the skin and into the blood stream will yield an increase in penis size.

Sounds Interesting......How Do They Work Exactly?

I'd love to tell you that they did...but unfortunately, in our experience, they simply DON'T perform as advertised. The simple truth is that there exists no herb, supplement or magic ingredient which can be absorbed by the skin to increase your penis size. Interestingly, there ARE in fact several natural products which DO play a large role in dilating your blood vessels for increase penile blood flow - and those ingredients can be found in dark chocolate, dark berries and even some green teas! A much more effective (and healthier) approach to amping UP your anatomy!

Filed Under: The Long and Short of Penis Enlargement Patches

(no pun intended..:-) Truly, my best advice is to save your money...or do some research and you'll come to the same conclusion. A natural male enhancement exercise regimen will go FAR further than any patches will, and in conjunction with eating a healthy and anti-oxidant rich diet, you WILL see great gains! (and for FAR less money)

Best way to make your penis larger

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