Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big penis fast. Penis Enlargement Patch

Big penis fast

Big penis fast

We have all heard of male enhancement pills, you can't seem to turn on the TV without seeing a commercial for these. But when was the last time you saw a commercial about a penis enlargement patch? In this article we are going to be going over what the patch is and how it can help you.

1-The science behind the patch

Many people often wonder how it is possible that a simple patch can make their penis bigger, at least with pills you put something in your body, with the patch nothing gets into your body right? Wrong, people often forget that the skin will absorb stuff, including nitric oxide which is the main ingredient in both pills and patches. The nitric oxide will expand your blood vessels allowing more blood to get in the penis, the more blood that is in the penis the bigger it will get

2-Why are patches better than pills?

So if both pills and patches have the same ingredients, why is one so much better than the other? When you take a pill, it has to go through your digestive tract. Because of this, you will lose some of the nitric oxide, plus it will take a while to enter your blood stream and actually start working. When you use patches, the skin absorbs the nitric oxide and it is sent straight into the blood system. This means it does not have to go through the digestive tract to lose some of its power and it will start working right away.

3-Are there any side effects?

A great question is whether or not there are side effects. With any kind of medical invention, there will be some side effects. But the side effects to patches are very minimal. The first time you use it you may get a little dizzy because you are not use to all the blood rushing that quickly, but it is completely safe and harmless, even with long term use.

Big penis fast

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