Friday, July 12, 2013

Pills that increase penis size permently. How To Get Your Penis Bigger In A Few Minutes

Pills that increase penis size permently

Pills that increase penis size permently

There are some excellent and easy ways you can learn how to get your penis bigger in only a few minutes. Check these techniques out:

1. Shaving the pubes. The pubic hair is like a forest engulfing the penis; hiding it from it's true size potential. You want to chop down this forest and reveal the monster within. Seriously, trimming down or shaving the pubes will make a HUGE difference in how much bigger you look. Some guys are flat out shocked as they realize they really aren't as small as they thought after a good trimming.

2. The Hot Water Technique. Hot water increases blood flow. The good thing about increased blood flow to the penis is that it makes it look a lot bigger. So we want to get some hot water placed on the penis. There's two ways to do this. If you take a hand towel and get it hot, then you can wrap it around the penis and leave it there for a few moments. Otherwise, you can just take a hot shower and direct the water at your penis, leaving it there for a few moments. In either case make sure the water is not too hot. You don't want to scald your penis.

3. Quick Rubs. A quick rub is simply taking your hand and massaging your penis slowly for a minute or two without getting an erection. A good quick rub will stretch out your penis to it's longest length and can get the blood flowing for added thickness as well.

Pills that increase penis size permently

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